OPINIONATRIX…because my opinions dominate

{December 10, 2008}   Oh, Oprah…


When it comes to Oprah Winfrey, there are usually two camps of people: those who adore her and those who think she is totally overrated and can’t stand her.  Whatever group you’re in (and for the record, I adore her) she probably stands for a lot of things in your mind.

For me, Oprah is a powerful, warm and inspirational woman.  She epitomizes success.  She came from nothing and is now one of the highest paid TV celebrities with an entire media empire unto herself.  Couple that with the fact that she is undoubtedly one of the most philanthropic Americans, and she really comes out a winner in my book.

It is for these reasons that the recent publicity around the fact that Oprah has gained weight upsets me.  Oprah’s weight has been a 20 year battle, covered by the media, and stems from the big O herself.  In an upcoming article in January’s O magazine, Oprah states,

“I’m embarrassed, I can’t believe that after all these years, all the things I know how to do, I’m still talking about my weight. I look at my thinner self and think, ‘How did I let this happen again?”

While it may be comforting to some to realize that Oprah is just like the rest of us – battling her own insecurities in spite of all she has achieved, it saddens me.  I want to reach out to Oprah and let her know that most of us rarely, if ever, give a second thought to her weight. Oprah has achieved so much, and tends to look great no matter what she weighs.  Oprah’s fans could care less what the scale says.

Oprah has a unique gift.  She is able to play the best friend and confidant, while serving as role model and inspiration at the same time.  It is hard sometimes to realize that no matter how phenomenally talented, successful and adored one may be, loving oneself can be a never ending battle.

et cetera